Encyclopedia of Crystallographic Prototypes

AFLOW Prototype: AB3C9D_hP28_143_2a_2d_6d_bc-001

This structure originally had the label AB3C9D_hP28_143_2a_2d_6d_bc. Calls to that address will be redirected here.

If you are using this page, please cite:
D. Hicks, M.J. Mehl, M. Esters, C. Oses, O. Levy, G.L.W. Hart, C. Toher, and S. Curtarolo, The AFLOW Library of Crystallographic Prototypes: Part 3, Comp. Mat. Sci. 199, 110450 (2021). (doi=10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110450)

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$P3$ La$_{3}$BWO$_{9}$ Structure: AB3C9D_hP28_143_2a_2d_6d_bc-001

Picture of Structure; Click for Big Picture
Prototype BLi$_{3}$O$_{9}$W
AFLOW prototype label AB3C9D_hP28_143_2a_2d_6d_bc-001
ICSD 8360
Pearson symbol hP28
Space group number 143
Space group symbol $P3$
AFLOW prototype command aflow --proto=AB3C9D_hP28_143_2a_2d_6d_bc-001
--params=$a, \allowbreak c/a, \allowbreak z_{1}, \allowbreak z_{2}, \allowbreak z_{3}, \allowbreak z_{4}, \allowbreak x_{5}, \allowbreak y_{5}, \allowbreak z_{5}, \allowbreak x_{6}, \allowbreak y_{6}, \allowbreak z_{6}, \allowbreak x_{7}, \allowbreak y_{7}, \allowbreak z_{7}, \allowbreak x_{8}, \allowbreak y_{8}, \allowbreak z_{8}, \allowbreak x_{9}, \allowbreak y_{9}, \allowbreak z_{9}, \allowbreak x_{10}, \allowbreak y_{10}, \allowbreak z_{10}, \allowbreak x_{11}, \allowbreak y_{11}, \allowbreak z_{11}, \allowbreak x_{12}, \allowbreak y_{12}, \allowbreak z_{12}$

  • Most refinements of the BLi$_{3}$O$_{9}$W structure, including (Ashtar, 2020), place it in hexagonal space group $P6_{3}$ #173. (Han, 2018) find a better fit to the data by refining it in the trigonal $P3$ #143 space group, which places the lanthanum atoms on two independent crystallographic sites. This may be due to the presence of bismuth impurities on the lantanum site in the (Han, 2018) sample, and indeed the La (3d) sites are both mixed with 3% bismuth. (Ashtar, 2020) claim to have very pure samples. Given this, we withhold judgment on which structure is correct and present both.
  • Space group $P3$ does not specify the origin of the $z$-axis. Here it is set so that the coordinate of the (1b) tungsten atom is $z_{3} = 1/4$.
  • (Han, 2018) mislabel the Wyckoff positions of the boron and tungsten atoms. We show the correct positions based on the coordinates in their table and the correspondence with the $P6_{3}$ structure.

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} \mathbf{a_{1}}&=&\frac{1}{2}a \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}\\\mathbf{a_{2}}&=&\frac{1}{2}a \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}\\\mathbf{a_{3}}&=&c \,\mathbf{\hat{z}} \end{array}\]

Basis vectors

Lattice coordinates Cartesian coordinates Wyckoff position Atom type
$\mathbf{B_{1}}$ = $z_{1} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $c z_{1} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (1a) B I
$\mathbf{B_{2}}$ = $z_{2} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $c z_{2} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (1a) B II
$\mathbf{B_{3}}$ = $\frac{1}{3} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\frac{2}{3} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{3} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{6}a \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{3} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (1b) W I
$\mathbf{B_{4}}$ = $\frac{2}{3} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\frac{1}{3} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{4} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{6}a \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{4} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (1c) W II
$\mathbf{B_{5}}$ = $x_{5} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{5} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{5} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{5} + y_{5}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{5} - y_{5}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{5} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) La I
$\mathbf{B_{6}}$ = $- y_{5} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{5} - y_{5}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{5} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{5} - 2 y_{5}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{5} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{5} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) La I
$\mathbf{B_{7}}$ = $- \left(x_{5} - y_{5}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{5} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{5} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{5} - y_{5}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{5} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{5} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) La I
$\mathbf{B_{8}}$ = $x_{6} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{6} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{6} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{6} + y_{6}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{6} - y_{6}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{6} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) La II
$\mathbf{B_{9}}$ = $- y_{6} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{6} - y_{6}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{6} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{6} - 2 y_{6}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{6} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{6} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) La II
$\mathbf{B_{10}}$ = $- \left(x_{6} - y_{6}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{6} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{6} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{6} - y_{6}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{6} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{6} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) La II
$\mathbf{B_{11}}$ = $x_{7} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{7} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{7} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{7} + y_{7}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{7} - y_{7}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{7} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O I
$\mathbf{B_{12}}$ = $- y_{7} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{7} - y_{7}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{7} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{7} - 2 y_{7}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{7} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{7} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O I
$\mathbf{B_{13}}$ = $- \left(x_{7} - y_{7}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{7} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{7} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{7} - y_{7}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{7} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{7} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O I
$\mathbf{B_{14}}$ = $x_{8} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{8} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{8} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{8} + y_{8}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{8} - y_{8}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{8} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O II
$\mathbf{B_{15}}$ = $- y_{8} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{8} - y_{8}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{8} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{8} - 2 y_{8}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{8} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{8} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O II
$\mathbf{B_{16}}$ = $- \left(x_{8} - y_{8}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{8} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{8} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{8} - y_{8}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{8} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{8} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O II
$\mathbf{B_{17}}$ = $x_{9} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{9} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{9} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{9} + y_{9}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{9} - y_{9}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{9} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O III
$\mathbf{B_{18}}$ = $- y_{9} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{9} - y_{9}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{9} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{9} - 2 y_{9}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{9} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{9} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O III
$\mathbf{B_{19}}$ = $- \left(x_{9} - y_{9}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{9} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{9} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{9} - y_{9}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{9} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{9} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O III
$\mathbf{B_{20}}$ = $x_{10} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{10} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{10} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{10} + y_{10}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{10} - y_{10}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{10} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O IV
$\mathbf{B_{21}}$ = $- y_{10} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{10} - y_{10}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{10} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{10} - 2 y_{10}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{10} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{10} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O IV
$\mathbf{B_{22}}$ = $- \left(x_{10} - y_{10}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{10} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{10} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{10} - y_{10}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{10} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{10} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O IV
$\mathbf{B_{23}}$ = $x_{11} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{11} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{11} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{11} + y_{11}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{11} - y_{11}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{11} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O V
$\mathbf{B_{24}}$ = $- y_{11} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{11} - y_{11}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{11} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{11} - 2 y_{11}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{11} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{11} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O V
$\mathbf{B_{25}}$ = $- \left(x_{11} - y_{11}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{11} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{11} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{11} - y_{11}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{11} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{11} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O V
$\mathbf{B_{26}}$ = $x_{12} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+y_{12} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{12} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{12} + y_{12}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a \left(x_{12} - y_{12}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{12} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O VI
$\mathbf{B_{27}}$ = $- y_{12} \, \mathbf{a}_{1}+\left(x_{12} - y_{12}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{12} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $\frac{1}{2}a \left(x_{12} - 2 y_{12}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a x_{12} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{12} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O VI
$\mathbf{B_{28}}$ = $- \left(x_{12} - y_{12}\right) \, \mathbf{a}_{1}- x_{12} \, \mathbf{a}_{2}+z_{12} \, \mathbf{a}_{3}$ = $- \frac{1}{2}a \left(2 x_{12} - y_{12}\right) \,\mathbf{\hat{x}}- \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a y_{12} \,\mathbf{\hat{y}}+c z_{12} \,\mathbf{\hat{z}}$ (3d) O VI


  • J. Han, F. Pan, M. S. Molokeev, J. Dai, M. Peng, W. Zhou, and J. Wang, Redefinition of Crystal Structure and Bi$^{3+}$ Yellow Luminescence with Strong Near-Ultraviolet Excitation in La$_{3}$BWO$_{9}$:Bi$^{3+}$ Phosphor for White Light-Emitting Diodes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 13660–13668 (2018), doi:10.1021/acsami.8b00808.
  • M. Ashtar, J. Guo, Z. Wan, Y. Wang, G. Gong, Y. Liu, Y. Su, and Z. Tian, A new family of disorder-free Rare-Earth-based kagomé lattice magnets: structure and magnetic characterizations of RE$_{3}$BWO$_{9}$ (RE=Pr, Nd, Gd-Ho) Boratotungstates, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2002.05420. ArXiv:2002.05420 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].

Prototype Generator

aflow --proto=AB3C9D_hP28_143_2a_2d_6d_bc --params=$a,c/a,z_{1},z_{2},z_{3},z_{4},x_{5},y_{5},z_{5},x_{6},y_{6},z_{6},x_{7},y_{7},z_{7},x_{8},y_{8},z_{8},x_{9},y_{9},z_{9},x_{10},y_{10},z_{10},x_{11},y_{11},z_{11},x_{12},y_{12},z_{12}$


